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A bundle of computer-aided engineering software including Fluent and CFX.

ANSYS Homepage


ANSYS is proprietary software. Make sure you meet the requirements for it's usage.

Available Modules

module load ANSYS/19.2


The following network licence servers can be accessed from the NeSI cluster.

Institution Faculty Uptime
University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering 88%
Orbis Diagnostics 100%
Auckland University of Technology Faculty of Engineering 88%
University of Waikato 88%
University of Canterbury 99%
University of Otago 99%

If you do not have access, or want a server connected Contact our Support Team.

License Types

The three main ANSYS licenses are;

  • ANSYS Teaching License (aa_t)

    This is the default license type, it can be used on up to 6 CPUs on models with less than 512k nodes

  • ANSYS Research license (aa_r)

    No node restrictions. Can be used on up to 16 CPUs, for every additional CPU over 16 you must request additional 'aa_r_hpc' licenses.

  • ANSYS HPC License (aa_r_hpc)
    One of these is required for each CPU over 16 when using a research license.

License Order

Whether to use a teaching or research license must be set manually. If your job is greater than the node limit, not switching to the research license before submitting a job will cause the job to fail.

The license order can be changed in workbench under tools > license preferences (provided you have X11 forwarding set up), or by running either of the following (ANSYS module must be loaded first using module load ANSYS).



License preferences are individually tracked by each version of ANSYS. Make sure you set preferences using the same version as in your script.

Journal files

Some ANSYS applications take a 'journal' text file as input. It is often useful to create this journal file in your SLURM script (tidiness, submitting jobs programmatically, etc). This can be done by using cat to make a file from a 'heredoc'.

Below is an example of this from a fluent script.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      Fluent_Array
#SBATCH --time          01:00:00          # Wall time
#SBATCH --mem           512MB             # Memory per node
#SBATCH --licenses      aa_r:1       # One license token per CPU, less 16
#SBATCH --array         1-100 
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # No hyperthreading

module load ANSYS/19.2 

/file/read-case-data testCase${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.cas
/solve/dual-time-iterate 10
/file/write-case-data testOut${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.cas
/exit yes

# Use one of the -v options 2d, 2ddp, 3d, or 3ddp
fluent -v3ddp -g -i ${JOURNAL_FILE}

JOURNAL_FILE is a variable holding the name of a file, the next line cat creates the file then writes a block of text into it. The block of text written is everything between an arbitrary string (in this case EOF) and its next occurrence.

In this case (assuming it is the first run of the array and the jobid=1234567), the file will be created:

/file/read-case-data testCase1
; This will read testCase1.cas and testCase1.dat
; Inputs can be read separately with 'read-case' and 'read-data'

/solve/dual-time-iterate 10
; Solve 10 time steps

/file/write-case-data testCase1 ok
; Since our output name is the same as our input, we have to provide conformation to overwrite, 'ok' 

exit yes
; Not including 'exit yes' will cause fluent to exit with an error. (Everything will be fine, but SLURM will read it as FAILED).

then called as an input fluent -v3ddp -g -i,
then deleted rm

This can be used with variable substitution to great effect as it allows the use of variables in what might otherwise be a fixed input.


Comments can be added to journal files using a ;. For example:

; This is a comment


Some great documentation on journal files

fluent -help for a list of commands.

Must have one of these flags.

2d 2D solver, single point precision.
3d 3D solver, single point precision.
2ddp 2D solver, double point precision.
3ddp 3D solver, double point precision.

Single process with a single thread (2 threads if hyperthreading enabled).

Usually submitted as part of an array, as in the case of parameter sweeps.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      Fluent-Serial
#SBATCH --licenses      aa_r@uoa_foe:1    #One research license.
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled
#SBATCH --mem           512MB             # total memory (per node)
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2

fluent 3ddp -g -i ${JOURNAL_FILE}

Multiple processes each with a single thread. Not limited to one node. Model will be segmented into -t pieces which should be equal to --ntasks.Each task could be running on a different node leading to increased communication overhead. Jobs can be limited to a single node by adding--nodes=1` however this will increase your time in the queue as contiguous cpu's are harder to schedule.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name          Fluent-Dis
#SBATCH --time              00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --licenses          aa_r@uoa_foe:1,aa_r_hpc@uoa_foe:20
##One research license, (ntasks-16) hpc licenses
#SBATCH --nodes             1                 # Limit to n nodes (Optional)
#SBATCH --ntasks            8                 # Number processes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task     1                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu       1500              # Fine for small jobs; increase if needed
#SBATCH --hint              nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2
fluent 3ddp -g -t ${SLURM_NTASKS} -i ${JOURNAL_FILE}


While it will always be more time and resource efficient using a slurm script as shown above, there are occasions where the GUI is required. If you only require a few CPUs for a short while you may run the fluent on the login node, otherwise use of an slurm interactive session is recommended.

For example.

salloc --job-name flUI --nodes 4 --ntasks-per-node 8 --mem-per-cpu 1500 --time 04:00:00

Will return;

  salloc: Pending job allocation 10270935
  salloc: job 10270935 queued and waiting for resources
  salloc: job 10270935 has been allocated resources
  salloc: Granted job allocation 10270935
  salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
  salloc: Nodes wbn[053-056] are ready for job


Include all the commands you would usually use in your slurm header here.

Once you have your allocation, run the command


You will then be presented with the launcher, make any necessary changes then click launch.

If everything has set up correctly you should see a printout of the hostnames with the resources requested. Note: 'host' should be mahuika0[1-2].

n24-31 wbn056 8/72 Linux-64 71521-71528 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2695 v4
 n16-23 wbn055 8/72 Linux-64 52264-52271 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2695 v4
 n8-15 wbn054 8/72 Linux-64 177090-177097 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2695 v4
 n0-7 wbn053 8/72 Linux-64 48376-48384 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2695 v4
 host mahuika01 Linux-64 185962 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2695 v4


Closing the fluent GUI will not end the SLURM interactive session. Use exit or scancel <jobid> when finished, else you will continue to 'use' the requested CPUs.


It is best practice when running long jobs to enable autosaves.


Where `` is the number of iterations to run before creating a save.

In order to save disk space you may also want to include the line


Including the following code at the top of your journal file will allow you to interrupt the job.

(set! checkpoint/exit-filename "./exit-fluent")

Creating a file named exit-fluent in the run directory will cause the job to save the current state and exit (touch exit-fluent). This will also write a new journal file called restart.inp that restarts the simulation at that point.

User Defined Functions

When compiling code, make sure to module load gimkl in addition to the ANSYS module.

Case Definition

When setting up the case file on your local machine, make sure you select 'Compiled UDF', and select the `.c` source file. You can also specify the name of the library, the default being 'libudf', if possible you should stick with the default name.

Make sure all names follows unix naming conventions (no spaces or special characters) and are the same on the cluster as when you defined it.

It will also save you time if the that the path to your UDF source is relative. The easiest way to do this is to have the source file in the same directory as your .cas file, then specify only the name as your UDF source.

When calling a function, make sure you select the compiled NOT the interpreted version.

`udf funcName` is funcName as being interpreted directly from your `.c` source file.

`udf funcName::libudf` is funcName as compiled in library `libudf`


When running in a new environment for the first time (local machine, Mahuika, Māui), the C code will have to first be compiled. The compiled code will be placed in a directory with the name of the library (by default this will be libudf/.

If you copied the compiled library from a different environment, you will have to delete this directory first.

If the compiled library with the name specified in the case file (e.g. libudf/) is not found, fluent will try to compile it from the specified source file.

If for some reason the UDF does not compile automatically, you can manually build it with the following command in your fluent journal file (should go before loading model).

define/user-defined/compiled-functions compile "" yes "" "" "" "" "" ""

Note, the command must end with two "" to indicate there are no more files to add.

As an example

define/user-defined/compiled-functions compile "libudf" yes "myUDF.c" "" ""

Will compile the code myUDF.c into a library named libudf

Loading File

define/user-defined/compiled-functions load libudf

Will load the library libudf to be accessible by ANSYS.

UDF errors

Error: chip-exec: function

might be using interpreted func

solution specify as relative path, or unload compiled lib before saving .cas file.


cfx5solve -help for a list of commands.

Single process with a single thread (2 threads if hyperthreading enabled). Usually submitted as part of an array, as in the case of parameter sweeps.

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name      CFX-serial
#SBATCH --licenses      aa_r@uoa_foe:1    #One research license
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled
#SBATCH --mem           512MB             # total mem
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2

cfx5solve -batch -def ${input}

Multiple processes each with a single thread. Not limited to one node. Model will be segmented into -np pieces which should be equal to --ntasks. Each task could be running on a different node leading to increased communication overhead. Jobs can be limited to a single node by adding --nodes=1 however this may increase you time in the queue as contiguous cpu's are harder to schedule.

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name          ANSYS-Dis
#SBATCH --time              00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --licenses          aa_r@uoa_foe:1,aa_r_hpc@uoa_foe:20
##One research license, (ntasks-16) hpc licenses
#SBATCH --nodes             1                 # Limit to n nodes (Optional)
#SBATCH --ntasks            36                # Number processes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task     1                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu       512MB             # Standard for large partition
#SBATCH --hint              nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2
cfx5solve -batch -def "${input} -part ${SLURM_NTASKS}


Initial values path specified in '.def' file can be overridden using the -ini flag.


Even when running headless (without a GUI) CFX-Post requires connection to a graphical output. For some cases it may be suitable running CFX-Post on the login node and using your X-11 display, but for larger batch compute jobs you will need to make use of a dummy X-11 server.

This is as simple as prepending your command with the X Virtual Frame Buffer command.

xvfb-run cfx5post input.cse

Mechanical APDL


Single process with a single *thread (2 threads if hyperthreading enabled). Usually submitted as part of an array, as in the case of parameter sweeps.

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name      ANSYS-serial
#SBATCH --licenses aa_r@uoa_foe:1
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --mem           1500M             # total mem
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2

mapdl -b -i "${input}

Single process multiple *threads. All threads must be on the same node, limiting scalability.

Number of threads is set by -np and should be equal to--cpus-per-task. Not recommended if using more than 8 cores (16 CPUs if hyperthreading enabled).

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name      ANSYS-Shared
#SBATCH --licenses aa_r@uoa_foe:1
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 8                 # Double if hyperthreading enabled
#SBATCH --mem           12G               # 8 threads at 1500 MB per thread
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2
mapdl -b -np ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} -i ${input}

Multiple processes each with a single thread. Not limited to one node. Model will be segmented into -np pieces which should be equal to --ntasks. Each task could be running on a different node leading to increased communication overhead. Jobs can be limited to a single node by adding  --nodes=1 however this will increase your time in the queue as contiguous cpu's are harder to schedule. Distributed Memory Parallel is currently not supported on Māui.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name          ANSYS-Dis
#SBATCH --licenses aa_r@uoa_foe:1,aa_r_hpc@uoa_foe:4
#SBATCH --time              00:05:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --nodes             1                 # (OPTIONAL) Limit to n nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks            16                # Number processes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu       1500
#SBATCH --hint              nomultithread     # Hyperthreading disabled

module load ANSYS/19.2
mapdl -b -dis -np ${SLURM_NTASKS} -i "${input}"

Not all MAPDL solvers work using distributed memory. 

Block Lanczos eigensolver
PCG Lanczos eigensolver
Supernode eigensolver
Subspace eigensolver
Unsymmetric eigensolver
Damped eigensolver
QRDAMP eigensolver
Element formulation
Results calculation


Fluid-Structure Example

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name      LS-DYNA
#SBATCH --account       nesi99999         # Project Account
#SBATCH --time          01:00:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --ntasks        16                # Number of CPUs to use
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu   512MB             # Memory per cpu
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # No hyperthreading

module load ANSYS/19.2
lsdyna -dis -np $SLURM_NTASKS i="$input" memory=$(($SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU/8))M


FENSAP-ICE is a fully integrated ice-accretion and aerodynamics simulator.

Currently FENSAP-ICE is only available on Mahuika and in ANSYS 19.2.

The following FENSAP solvers are compatible with MPI

  • DROP3D
  • ICE3D
  • C3D
  • OptiGrid

Case setup

With GUI

If you have set up X-11 forwarding, you may launch the FENSAP ice using the command fensapiceGUI from within your FENSAP project directory.

  1. Launch the run and select the desired number of (physical) CPUs.
  2. Open the 'configure' panel. FENSAP gui
  3. Under 'Additional mpirun parameters' add your inline SLURM options. You should include at least.

    --job-name my_job
    --mem-per-cpu memory
    --time time
    --hint nomultithread

    Note: All these parameters will be applied to each individual step. 4. Start the job. You can track progress under the 'log' tab. FENSAP GUI

You may close your session and the job will continue to run on the compute nodes. You will be able to view the running job at any time by opening the GUI within the project folder.


Submitting your job through the use of the GUI has disadvantages and may not be suitable in all cases. - Closing the session or losing connection will prevent the next stage of the job starting (currently executing step will continue to run).  It is a good idea to launch the GUI inside a tmux/screen session then send the process to background to avoid this. - Each individual step will be launched with the same parameters given in the GUI. - By default 'restart' is set to disabled. If you wish to continue a job from a given step/shot you must select so in the dropdown menu.

Using fensap2slurm

Set up your model as you would normally, except rather than starting the run just click 'save'. You do not need to set number of CPUs or MPI configuration.
Then in your terminal type fensap2slurm path/to/project or run fensap2slurm from inside the run directory.

This will generate a template file for each stage of the job, edit these as you would a normal SLURM script and set the resources requirements.

For your first shot, it is a good idea to set CONTINUE=FALSE for the last stage of the shot, that way you can set more accurate resource requirements for the remainder.

The workflow can then by running .solvercmd e.g bash .solvercmd. Progress can be tracked through the GUI as usual.


ANSYS-EM jobs can be submitted through a slurm script or by interactive session.


Unlike other ANSYS applications ANSYS-EM requires RSM (remote solver manager) running on all nodes. The command startRSM has been written to facilitate this and needs to be run after starting the slurm job but before running edt. Please contact NeSI support if the command is not working for you.

Example Slurm Script

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --time                04:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes               2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node     36
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu         1500

module load ANSYS/19.2

ansysedt -ng -batchsolve -distributed -machinelistfile=".machinefile" -batchoptions "HFSS/HPCLicenseType=Pool" $INPUTNAME

All batch options can be listed using

ansysedt -batchoptionhelp

(Note, this requires a working X-server)


Each batch option must have it's own flag, e.g.

-batchoptions "HFSS/HPCLicenseType=Pool" -batchoptions "Desktop/ProjectDirectory=$PWD" -batchoptions "HFSS/MPIVendor=Intel"

EM Interactive

First start an interactive slurm session.

salloc --job-name edt_interactive --nodes 2 --ntasks-per-node 36 --mem-per-cpu 1500

Then load your desired version of ANSYS

module load ANSYS/19.2

Run the script to start startRSM, this will start ANSYS remote solver on your requested nodes, and set the environment variable MACHINELIST.


Then launch ansys edt with the following flags

ansysedt -machinelist file=".machinefile" -batchoptions "HFSS/HPCLicenseType=Pool HFSS/MPIVendor=Intel HFSS/UseLegacyElectronicsHPC=1"


Example - MAPDL Fluent Interaction

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      ANSYS_FSI
#SBATCH --account       nesi99999         # Project Account
#SBATCH --time          01:00:00          # Walltime
#SBATCH --ntasks        16                # Number of CPUs to use
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu   2GB               # Memory per CPU
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread     # No hyperthreading

module load ANSYS/19.2

export SLURM_EXCLUSIVE="" # don't share CPUs
echo "CPUs: Coupler:1 Struct:$MECHANICAL_CPUS Fluid:$FLUID_CPUS"


cd Coupling

# Run the system coupler in the background.
srun -N1 -n1 $WORKBENCH_CMD \ \
    -inputFile coupling.sci || scancel $SLURM_JOBID &
cd ..

while [[ ! -f "$serverfile" ]] ; do
    sleep 1 # waiting for SC to start
sleep 1


    read hostport
    read count
    for solver in $(seq $count)
        read solname
        read soltype
        case $soltype in 
            Fluid) fluentsolname=$solname;;
            Structural) mechsolname=$solname;;
} < "$serverfile"

echo " Port number: $port"
echo " Node name: $node"
echo " Fluent name: $fluentsolname"
echo " Mechanical name: $mechsolname"


cd Structural

# Run ANSYS in the background, alongside the system coupler and Fluent.
mapdl -b -dis -mpi intel -np $MECHANICAL_CPUS \
    -scport $port -schost $node -scname "$mechsolname" \
    -i "structural.dat" > struct.out || scancel $SLURM_JOBID &
cd ..

sleep 2

cd FluidFlow

# Run Fluent in the background, alongside the system coupler and ANSYS.
fluent 3ddp -g -t$FLUID_CPUS \
    -scport=$port -schost=$node -scname="$fluentsolname" \
    -i "fluidFlow.jou" > fluent.out || scancel $SLURM_JOBID &
cd ..

# Before exiting, wait for all background tasks (the system coupler, ANSYS and
# Fluent) to complete.

Best Practices

GPU acceleration support

GPUs can be slow for smaller jobs because it takes time to transfer data from the main memory to the GPU memory. We therefore suggest that you only use them for larger jobs, unless benchmarking reveals otherwise.

Interactive use

It is best to use journal files etc to automate ANSYS so that you can submit batch jobs, but when interactivity is really needed alongside more CPU power and/or memory than is reasonable to take from a login node (maybe postprocessing a large output file) then an alternative which may work is to run the GUI frontend on a login node while the MPI tasks it launches run on a compute node. This requires using salloc instead of sbatch, for example:

salloc -A nesi99999 -t 30 -n 16 -C avx --mem-per-cpu=512MB bash -c 'module load ANSYS; fluent -v3ddp -t$SLURM_NTASKS' 

As with any job, you may have to wait a while before the resource is granted and you can begin, so you might want to use the --mail-type=BEGIN and --mail-user= options.


Utilising hyperthreading (ie: removing the "--hint=nomultithread" sbatch directive and doubling the number of tasks) will give a small speedup on most jobs with less than 8 cores, but also doubles the number of aa_r_hpc license tokens required.