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Quarterly allocation periods

Applications for new allocations on existing projects are accepted and assessed in quarterly allocation periods. Under this quarterly call schedule, applications for new allocations on existing projects are due in the following months:

  • April (for allocations starting 1 June)
  • July (for allocations starting 1 September)
  • October (for allocations starting 1 December)
  • January (for allocations starting 1 March)

Requests will be reviewed in the month following the call period and researchers will be notified by the third Monday of that month. Allocations will start on the first day of the next month and run for one year. The diagram below illustrates how these quarterly call periods are scheduled during the year:


For example, if you apply for a new allocation on your existing project in the month of October, we will review your application in October or early November, you will be notified of your allocation by the end of November, and your allocation will start on 1 December (as shown in the graphic below).


Existing allocations

If you have an existing allocation, you will be reminded about the upcoming call by email during the second month before your project expires. For example, if your allocation expires at the end of May, you will receive email reminders during the month of April.

We aggregate requests and deal with them in batches during the review month.

  • If you apply for your new allocation early (for example, you apply in February when your allocation isn’t due to end until the end of May), we will hold your request until April.
  • If you apply for your new allocation late, your request may be deprioritised by your institution, or you may suffer an interruption to service as we have to consider your request separately and later. It is possible, depending on overall demand, that you may have to wait for the following call before your request is considered.

If you have questions about the review cycles or other steps involved with getting access to NeSI, Contact our Support Team