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Bash: Reference Sheet

Regardless of the operating system of your personal computer you will need to know some basic Unix Shell commands since the HPC are Linux machines. If you do not have any experiencing using Unix Shell we would advise going at least the first (3 parts) of the Software Carpentry Unix Shell lessons.

Command Description Examples Command
ls ls Lists the files in your current directory.
ls /path/to/directory/ Lists the files in the specified directory.
ls -ltra Lists all files, including hidden ones (-a), in long format (-l), in reverse order (-r) of time since edited (-t).
pwd pwd Prints the path of your current working directory.
cd cd /path/to/directory/ Changes your current directory to the specified directory.
touch touch file.txt Created an empty file of specified name.
nano nano Opens the nano text editor.
nano file.txt Opens the specified file in the nano text editor.
head head file.txt Prints the top 10 lines of the specified file.
head -n 2 file.txt Prints the top n lines of the specified file (in this case 2).
tail tail file.txt Prints the bottom 10 lines of the specified file.
tail -n 2 file.txt Prints the bottom n lines of the specified file (in this case 2).
mv mv file.txt newname.txt rename the file.
mv file.txt /path/to/destination/ Move the file to the specified directory.
mv -r directory/ /path/to/destination/ Recursively move the directory and all contained files and directories to the specified path.
cp cp file.txt /path/to/destination/ Make a copy of the file in the specified directory.
cp file.txt /path/to/destination/newname.txt Make a copy of the file in the specified directory with the specified name.
cp -r directory/ /path/to/destination/ Recursively copy all files and directories of a directory to the specified location.
rm rm file.txt Delete the specified file.
rm -r directory/ Recursively delete the files and directories of the specified directory.
mkdir mkdir directory Create a directory of the specified name.
man man ls Bring up the manual of a command (in this case ls).


Pressing the 'tab' key once will automatically complete the line if it is the only option. e.g.  complete1.gif If there are more than one possible completions, pressing tab again will show all those options. complete2.gif Use of the tab key can help navigate the filesystem, spellcheck your commands and save you time typing.